3 March 2012


Hi I went to Gina's wildlife garden this morning to take these photos. Herself and Peter (not our Peter), a fellow allotment holder, have worked really hard on it. Their original allotments, over the back to where they are sighted now, were taken from them to build new houses. This will be there first year of operation. A lot of thought has gone into it's development, starting with the surface at the entrance. The council wanted to concrete it over, but Gina persuaded them to do a more eco-friendly solution. the surface is now formed of circles of concrete with holes in so that grass can grow through & birds & insects can utilise it, as well as supplying a firm foot hold to the human population. They had the sign made especially for them
the original site had a large population of slow worms, which were disturbed after being moved by the council. The new residents, thinking they were snakes, killed a lot of them. Thankfully, thanks to the new homes that have been provided for them in the garden, they are on the way back. Here are an adult & a baby in their new habitats.


There are 3 ponds, all containing rain water. This is collected from the roofs of the sheds into water butts & transferred either by pipes going directly into them, or by brute force & large dustbins being carried over to them. They were put there for the birds & insects to enjoy. There are also tap water storage tanks, but these are not used for the ponds. Bird feeders & nesting boxes are everywhere, with a lot of birds in the garden.

A great variety of wild-life habitats are provided in the garden to attract bees, butterflies , ladybirds and any other creepy-crawlies that may be in need of a home, all are welcome. The pile of twigs & logs have pollen sponges put onto them, and are a magnet to butterflies. There is a very well worn foxes track too.

The centre of the garden is very bumpy & uneven, due to all the rubble the builders dumped there. As a result, the soil is very poor. Gina put on her thinking cap and decided to create a wild flower garden, so she has planted a lot of wild flower seeds. The bramble has also been left undisturbed, as a lot of birds & insects like that.
I have been invited back in the summer to take the photos again, to see the changes that have occurred, that will be good.
The allotments are situated in Crescent Road, Dagenham (off Frizlands Lane). Ask Gina about them, she is pleased to discuss them with everybody.



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